hhhhh jabe

welcome 2 my autism site :3

i'm a complete beginner when it comes to making websites. is it really my fault? nah LOL. mentally ill teenager who can be found on twitter and is obsessed with this one OC I have. not my fault! artist sort of sometimes. you can find me on a couple of sites! here are a few: Twitter, ArtFight, YouTube. chat with me whenever you want, i'm open! maybe. just maybe.

as you can see, this here is my most favoritest thingie i have EVER made. her name is kiri, she is amazing and she might as well be my wife i love her so much and now you shall see her too:

and here is a nice little quintissential diagram for the modern-day denny. an odd specimen i would say that i am, interested in such things like vocaloid... erm rock, i like rock, maybe alt rock? punk? i also enjoy the binding of isaac, katamari, DDLC (i am sayori), cave story, silly kitties, 2000s and earlier internet vibes.. stuff like that, and anamanaguchi + Scott Pilgrim:

some other things to know about me:

credit for the site layout template has to go to eggramen! much love for the layout, and i mean that oh so dearly, it looks great, nice and simple! i appreciate it. :3

Leave me a message on my guestbook! My guestbook.

click some of my goddamn buttons bro, you know you want to

maybe these could be a little better for more links where you could reach me!

status update

i'm pretty excited to have a website honestly, I made one a while back but it really wasn't up to par. i barely remember what it even looked like now, but that's okay. i think it had a scrolling head of my avatar just constantly going across the screen LOL, plus the art style was pretty outdated and simple, even for my standards.

i was honestly supposed to learn HTML in my computer class. we barely do javascript or python so i don't think what we're going to be taught is gonna be much substantial information, but i don't really mind at all. i really need to learn some HTML and CSS for myself if i wanna make fancy sites (like this template eggramen made) for myself, and by myself!

i don't reeally have much else i can put here, other than to plug my socials and whatnot, always loving those! i hope this helps to get some people to know me better, especially since i'm doing it in a silly little website, i've always wanted to have one of these due to my infatuation with the old internet. i'm not a poser lmao. at least i hope i'm not. i bet my body was made to be up close to a big ass bulky monitor, surfing the internet at speeds slower than molasses. that might be the magic of old dial-up! RIP geocities.

OC information desk!

i've got a couple of OCs i have made over my time of being an artist! i'll see if i can arrange them here neatly, just for convenience sake.

most of their reference information should be available right here! i'll be making small little doodles for all of them, i might put myself there too just for funsies! honestly i kinda prefer this over a carrd, this feels a lot more personal, or homemade in a sense. i should stop talking and put them here now LMAO

here, i'll put some buttons down here and you can take a look for yourself, i'll try to make them neat! because why the hell not. i will try to make them silly and stylish just for me and you!