hhhhh jabe

come say hi to Vivi!!

she/they (and her last name is Malus)

vivi's a character that belongs to a shared universe between me and one of my friends ^_^. she's neurodivergent (basically has autism), and identifies as pansexual! (she's in a relationship with another fruit girl named rubel meridion!!) growing up, she was OBSESSED with having "computer time" and using her dad's computer to play old flash games, watch old but popular videos and hang out on club penguin when she was bored. even if she can be dimwitted sometimes, she likes to make self-described "crummy" doodles in her own time, especially ones of her and her girlfriend. she also REALLY loves spongebob squarepants, so much so that apparently, rubel took her out to a nice little spongebob pop-up restaurant simply because "it made her happy". and it did, she loved it so much, her heart might've developed some issues! you can view more relevant material about her on her ArtFight page! although, be warned, the art there is VERY, VERY outdated unfortunately.

let's make sure you get familiar with what she looks like. i'll go ahead and put a nice little doodle of her down here with a relevant color palette! make sure you treat this nicely, i only have one of these laying around. apple girls are rare you know!

some other things to know about her:

credit for the site layout template has to go to eggramen! much love for the layout, and i mean that oh so dearly, it looks great, nice and simple! i appreciate it. :3

Leave me (or Vivi) a message on my guestbook! My guestbook.

click some of my goddamn buttons bro, you know you want to

there's only one option lmao

more vivi lore!

first and foremost, vivi is definitely autistic. and she cannot fully do a flip, HOWEVER, she really loves to do cartwheels. it's more of a stim to her, sometimes she could do them in the privacy of her own room, and sometimes in public. it just happens. she doesn't have many friends even in high school, but her closest friends seem to be her girlfriend rubel, and a girl named kiowa. they like to hang around and shoot the shit sometimes, she likes exploring places she doesn't really know.

as a child, vivi was sheltered from most of the outside world, or at least her dad wouldn't take her outside super often. friends wouldn't be able to visit her because of her overprotective dad!! still, she loves her dad with all of her heart, she's not really capable of hating anybody at all! even if people tease her, she can't bring herself to actively hate or dislike people. most people are somewhat nice to her though!

she really began to enjoy spongebob, chowder, shows like those, growing up. they showed her what it was like to just have fun and enjoy yourself, and she tried to break the laws of physics a couple of times to copy them! (one time actually succeeded, which left her dad VERY bewildered) she could always rely on her favorite shows, and doodling characters from those shows as a nice pasttime for when she got too bored of being on the computer. don't get it twisted though, she loved playing games like learn to fly, duck life, and the series of papa's games were especially her favorite!

to her, meeting rubel when she was young during the summer has to be one of the best things that happened to her. even if they didn't get as close as they are now until high school, they were still good childhood friends! se always loved to chat and play with her (on Roblox) as much as she could! rubel's mom was just also strict and overprotective, so vivi had to wait for certain hours of the day in order to talk to her. as a matter of fact, vivi's dad seemed to have gotten more lax when it came to shielding vivi, she's growin' up!

rubel's practically everything to her. she's got puppy-dog eyes just thinking about her! rubel thinks the same about her. they're practically inseperable, but who would really want to keep them apart? vivi tells me she wants to get on the computer now, and she wanted to write this, "what are you doin'? can i get on the computer now? i wanna play work at a pizza place! say bye? to who? ohh, i see, well buh-bye!! can i play now? pls??".